Present to Neighbours

"Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should be good to his neighbours. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should be generous to his guest. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should be say what is good or be silent." HR. Bukhari

Who are neighbours? They are who live at the forty houses in front a person, the forty houses behind him, the forty houses on his right, and the forty houses on his left.

If we have two or more neighbours, to whom we gift a present? Rasulullah said, to the neighbour whose door is the nearest to you, first. Do not begin with your more distant neighbours before the closer ones. Rather begin with your nearest neighbours before the most distant ones.

Giving is easy kok. Because, in my humble opinion, we dont have to give something expensive, but lets give the best of us, within our means, even only the hooves of a sheep.

Giving is beautiful ~ and lets cherish our neighbours!

Uum.. Duit di dompet emang mungkin bakal abis (sementara) setelah berbagi, mungkin abis itu kita harus ngirit2, ngerem2 keinginan pribadi, tapiiii... rezeki Allah ga bakal abis, insya Allah. Do you believe? Are you a believer? :)

*pssstt... foto di bawah ini bukan bermaksud ngiklan produk, loh. Maap, males ngeblurin dulu. Hehe.

*mungkin, saya dan suami bisa nih membuka jasa merangkai parcel tahun depan.. Hehe. Because we are the dynamic combo at everything. Wkwkwkkk...



  1. Kirimin dong parcelnya satu ke rumah saya ;) tetangga jauh jg gpp koq dikirimin ;p

  2. ibu aku ngirimnya pudiing :D jadi kalau kapan2 mau ngirimin bebrbagai macam puding ke tetangga bisa loh hubungi aku :p #salahfokus


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terima kasih sudah membacanya :D dan terima kasih sudah mau komen. hehe...

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